Well, December seems to have crept up on me when I wasn’t looking! I hope that you are staying well and warm.
I’m happy to report that both of my November events (Meditation and Soundbath evening and Opera for All concert) went very well! Our meditation and soundbath evening was the most well-attended event so far, which was very gratifying. I was also particularly proud of myself for learning the repertoire in just a few short weeks and also of creating three distinct characters for the final concert. It’s these last-minute-staging moments when I’m grateful for all of the improvisation classes I took in Tel Aviv. We did record the OFA concert, so I hope to share those videos and pictures very soon with you.
Coming up this Saturday, December 7th, is the Etobicoke Centennial Choir holiday concert: “Sweet Rejoicing.” I’ll be singing the Alto solos in Vivaldi’s Gloria in the first half of the concert, for which we’ll be joined by a string quartet, oboist, and trumpeter. The Father Redmond Concert Choir will also bring their voices to the concert with a diverse collection of carols. I hope that you’ll join us for this festive program!
Looking ahead, Suzanne Yeo and I will be giving our second house concert on Sunday, January 12th: “Viennese Delights” (formerly “Decadent Delights”). We will showcase gorgeous works by Berg, Webern, Schoenberg, Marx, Zemlinsky, and both Gustav and Alma Mahler(-Werfel) in a delightfully intimate setting. Please save this date and I will let you know as soon as tickets are released to the public!
And finally, Linda Lonseth and I will be back on Saturday, January 18th with a Light Vortex Meditation and Soundbath evening. We are so pleased with how these events have taken shape, they are just as restorative for us as they are for our audience. If you haven’t been able to attend yet, I hope you will join us in January.
I’ll be heading back to my stomping grounds of the Northwoods for some pre-Christmas celebrating with my family, I’m looking forward to seeing the forests in their snowy winter glory.
Wishing you a joyful holiday season and my very best wishes for 2020!
I hope to see you soon!