Happy December! I hope this message finds you warm and well.
My obligations are winding down (until Christmas) and I’m enjoying some much-needed R and R. Simultaneously, I’m up to my ears preparing for my January house concert with my wonderful friend, Suzanne Yeo (pianist). “Viennese Delights” features key figures from fin de siècle Vienna like Schoenberg, both Gustav and Alma Mahler(-Werfel), Zemlinsky, Webern, and Berg. Suzanne and I have been planning this program for quite some time and we are thrilled to be bringing it to life!
I’m pleased to share with you a recording from last month’s Opera for All concert – please enjoy my interpretation of “Dido’s Lament” (Purcell).
You can also view pictures from the concert on my website.
Wishing you joyful holidays!
My very best wishes for 2020!

Toronto, November 2019